i'm anxious. and nervous. and its making me crabby.
i'm going back to work tomorrow. TOMORROW. this has suddenly ceased being hypothetical. its f#$%ing TOMORROW. I have to set an alarm. Get up. Get dressed in some kind of respectable, professional outfit, and get me ass out the door at 7:00 in the morning. Oh yeah, and leave my adorable, precious, amazing baby with someone else. Every day. for the next 7 weeks. And then for the school year (4 days only).
Someone remind me why this seemed like a good idea?
Well, I'm somewhat bored (note: i am probably a bad mother for saying this out loud. aren't good mothers supposed to be endlessly enthralled and entertained by their babies?) I spend too much time surfing the internet. The baby's sometimes incessant screechy pteradactyl noises get old fast. They wear on my nerves like...well, like screechy pteradactyl noises.
I spent 2 years and many thousands of dollars getting qualified to teach. If I go back to work I will have an excuse to slack off on laundry. and sweeping. Although actually then I will just live in filth, since probably Mr. 3rd Year Clinical Rotations isn't going to have any extra time to pick up the slack. So maybe that isn't a good thing.
I feel like I'm losing my membership card to the stay at home mommy club. which I liked. unlike change. I dislike change. it makes me uncomfortable. i probably should have just had another baby. that would have cut down on the boredom and excessive internet surfing. although not the dinosaur noises.
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